Thursday, April 8, 2010

Background Behind the Blog: Can I p90x?

Well i guess we should start off with a little bit about me. I'm Jay your normal 24 yr old college graduate living out the stereotype of living in his parents basement after college while looking for a job. Trying to get my life in order is as though as you would imagine, and holding me back is confidence. I think the worst part of all of it, is i was extremely confident going into college but unfortunally that freshman 15 turned into a freshman 60.... So here I am, uncomfortable in my own skin looking for a fresh start in life.. One night I passed out in front of the tv and woke up to a p90x infomercial... I figured what the heck and decided to give it a try. I lasted one week and than got distracted and never came back to it. I loved the workout and I did happen to see results within the first week so about a month later I started it back up again... This time I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and for some reason lost motivation... So that puts us where we are today... Round 3. Ive decided to start up a p90x blog to keep the motovation alive... Im hoping at least one or two other people will comment every now and than to keep me on track, well thats the goal anyways... So here I go, third times the charm right, its time to see if I can p90x!

1 comment:

  1. I believe in you Jay! You can do it! If it helps, I'm not doing p90x, but I am doing my own every day work out routine. So I am right here with ya.

    Counting today I have 51 days that I can use to eat right and exercise and gain the confidence I need to wear the bathing suits I want on vacation. So let's do this, let's keep each other motivated.

    I just did weight training and will be hitting the treadmill this evening. When are you starting?
